Journal News

Single burst of star formation created Milky Way’s central bulge
New research has found that the majority of stars in our galaxy’s central bulge formed in a single burst of star formation more than 10 billion years ago. To reach this conclusion, astronomers surveyed millions of stars across 200 square degrees of s…
Astronomers turn up the heavy metal to shed light on star formation
Astronomers from The University of Western Australia’s node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) have developed a new way to study star formation in galaxies from the dawn of time to today. The new work appears in a paper…
MNRAS moves online-only after almost 200 years of print
The RAS would like to announce that, after 193 years in print, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) has now moved to online-only publication. In recent years, the demand for print has dwindled and very few choose to access the…
Q&A: Prof. David Kaplan
The newest member of the MNRAS editorial board, Prof. David Kaplan received his bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and his doctorate from the California Institute of Technology, and is now an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin…
RAS journals: COVID-19 update
The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) and Oxford University Press (OUP) continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic. Our first priority is to contribute to the global effort to contain and eliminate the new coronavirus. As a result, our editorial staff…