Anonymous Reporting

  • 1 Current Initial Information
  • 2 The Incident
  • 3 Demographics 1
  • 4 Demographics 2
  • 5 Contact Details (Optional)
  • 6 Complete

At the RAS we are committed to supporting our Fellows and ensuring the Code of Conduct and Diversity and Inclusion Policy is adhered to.

This online form allows you to report something anonymously that you might have witnessed, been informed about or endured during any association with the RAS or RAS events and conferences.

The RAS takes all complaints very seriously. We also acknowledge that people may find it difficult or will not want to formally report all incidents. Therefore this form enables people to anonymously record any incidents. The information you provide will be collated and analysed to help monitor the prevalence of incidents that take place and understand the impact of initiatives run by the RAS.

The RAS will make all reasonable efforts to respond to anonymous reports, or reports from third parties, on a case-by-case basis depending on the details disclosed.

The RAS cannot offer direct advice or investigate a matter reported through the anonymous reporting tool and as the information you provide in this report will remain confidential, it will not be able to be used in a complaints process.

If you require more support than an anonymous reporting form can offer, a number of external support organisations are available. If you would prefer, you can report something by speaking confidentially to the RAS Diversity officer or you can formally report an incident to the Executive Director or President of the RAS, as outlined in the Code of Conduct.


Are you reporting on behalf of yourself or somebody else?
What is your connection with the RAS?