
About the Database of Obituaries

This database lists obituaries of Fellows, Associates and Honorary Members of the RAS from the 1820s onwards. The obituaries were published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Memoirs of the RAS, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society (QJRAS) and Astronomy and Geophysics (A&G). Links to obituaries published elsewhere are also provided where possible (for an explanatory list of abbreviated journal titles, see here). This listing of the historical membership of the Royal Astronomical Society was originally compiled by Anthony J. Kinder, and digitised in 2008 by Ian Ridpath.

This resource has made use of the Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NameBornDiedElectedMembership status
Antoine Thomsond’ AbbadieFellow
Richard AbbattFellow
Cleveland AbbeFellow
Charles Greeley AbbotAssociate
George Ogden AbellFellow
Antonio AbettiAssociate
Giorgio AbettiAssociate
Sir William de Wiveleslie AbneyFellow
Robert Morrison AbrahamFellow
Rev. Daniel AceFellow
Herbert Francis AcocksFellow
Harold William ActonFellow
Henry Bridger AdamesFellow
Alexander John Samuel AdamsFellow
Charles Edward AdamsFellow
Edgar Tarry AdamsFellow
Rev. Edward Aurelius AdamsFellow
Harold John AdamsFellow
John Couch AdamsFellow
Walter Sydney AdamsFellow, later Associate
John Robinson AireyFellow
Sir George Biddell AiryFellow
David AitkenFellow
Robert Grant AitkenAssociate
Carl Theodor AlbrechtAssociate
George Eric Deacon AlcockFellow
Hugh Lancelot AldisFellow
William Steadman AldisFellow
John William AldridgeFellow
Hannes Olof Gösta AlfvénAssociate
Akbar AliFellow
John Derby AllcroftFellow
Ashton Charles AllenFellow
Clabon Walter AllenFellow
David Anthony AllenFellow
William AllenFellow
Rev. Francis Benjamin AllisonFellow
Thomas AllisonFellow
John Whitehouse Frederick AllnuttFellow
George (= Jiri) AlterFellow
Viktor Amazaspovich AmbartsumianAssociate
Giovanni Battista AmiciAssociate
Joseph Supino AnconaFellow
William AndersonFellow
Mark AndersonFellow
Marie Henri AndoyerAssociate
Thomas Sanderson AngusFellow
Charles AnthonyFellow
Jean François AragoAssociate
Friedrich Wilhelm August ArgelanderAssociate
Angus ArmitageFellow
John Alexander ArmstrongFellow
Laike AsfawFellow
Rev. John Eyre AshbyFellow
Ernest Cuthbert AtkinsonFellow
John Jepson AtkinsonFellow
Robert d’Escourt AtkinsonFellow
Rev. Henry Adams Sergison AtwoodFellow
John James AubertinFellow
Georg Friedrich Julius Arthur AuwersAssociate
Ian AxfordFellow, later Associate
Wilhelm Heinrich Walter BaadeAssociate
Charles BabbageFellow
Harold Delos BabcockFellow, later Associate
Alexander Dallas BacheAssociate
Thomas William BackhouseFellow
Johan Oskar BacklundAssociate
Rev. John Mackenzie BaconFellow
Arthur Henry BagnoldFellow
Rev. James BaikieFellow
Solon Irving BaileyAssociate
Edouard Benjamin BaillaudAssociate
Lieut. Charles William BaillieFellow
Arthur BailyFellow
Francis BailyFellow
Arthur Henry BakerFellow
Henry Frederick BakerFellow
Hendrik Gerard van de Sande BakhuyzenAssociate
Sir Robert Stawell BallFellow
Dr Robert BallardFellow
Thaddeus BanachiewiczAssociate
Manali Kallat Vainu BappuFellow, later Associate
John Thomas BarberFellow
Arthur Kett BarclayFellow
Joseph Gurney BarclayFellow
Peter BarlowFellow
Rev. Henry Glanville BarnacleFellow
Edward Emerson BarnardFellow, later Associate
Henry Osmund BarnardFellow
William BarnettFellow
Charles Edward BarnsFellow
Manuel Gonçalves Pereira de BarrosFellow
John D. BarrowFellow
Francis BarrowFellow
Julius BartelsAssociate
Charles BartonFellow
Clement Osborn BartrumFellow
Capt. James Palladio BaseviFellow
Margaret M. Bassett [née Allen]Staff
John BastinFellow