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A&G Forum is a showcase for Fellows of the RAS; we want you to share your news about astronomy, planetary science, solar–terrestrial physics and geophysics. Tell us about your outreach activities, educational initiatives and websites, as well as the outcomes of grants awarded by the RAS. Images, videos, animations and links to non-commercial websites are welcome.
Contributors must be Fellows of the RAS, but the site is free for all to read; it is intended as an interesting and informative site covering all aspects of RAS science, including astronomy, geophysics, planetary science and solar– terrestrial physics.
The Royal Astronomical Society, founded 1820, is the voice of the UK’s astronomical and geophysical communities. The RAS welcomes as members not only professional researchers, but also students, keen amateurs, people working in education and the media, and others who share the aims of the Society. Members can take advantage of a range of facilities and privileges, and are involved in shaping the Society’s activities. Drawing on such a wide cross-section of individuals with a common interest in astronomy or geophysics increases the RAS’s effectiveness as a forum for its members and strengthens its role in the scientific life of the UK.
Oxford University Press publishes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Geophysical Journal International and A&G on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the university’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship and education by publishing worldwide.
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