GJI 2017 Student Author Award winners

Geophysical Journal International (GJI) is delighted to announce the winners of its Student Author Awards for 2017. 

The awards are designed to recognise and acknowledge the best papers submitted to GJI by young scientists in the field. Manuscripts are short listed by the high profile Editorial Board and are highlighted on the GJI homepage.

To qualify, winners must be the first author of the paper and a registered student at the time of submission to the journal. Papers must have been subsequently published in a 2017 issue of GJI.


Lucile Bruhat

This year's winners are:








The articles are available with free online access.








The winners receive a cash prize and a certificate, and their achievements are acknowledged at the American Geophysical Union and European Geosciences Union General Assembly meetings.




Submitted by Pam Rowden on