We Share the Same Moon - Light series

A nan and her grandchild look up at the Moon
We Share the Same Moon - Light series of sessions in March 2021 - given by Cassandra Wye and Lucinda Offer
RAS/Lucinda Offer and Cassandra Wye


We Share the Same Moon is a free online resource for science educators around the globe to champion the use of storytelling as a stimulus for science learning.

In March 2021 we explored the theme: What is Light? A series exploring light and associated science concepts from UK curriculum such as reflection, life and growth, and our Moon. These three free sessions were offered to teachers and their classrooms or homeschoolers on Fridays during the month beginning the week of British Science Week.

These sessions were run jointly by Cassandra Wye, Storyteller and Creator of We Share the Same Moon and Lucinda Offer Education and Outreach Officer for the Royal Astronomical Society. 


A nan and her grandchild look up at the Moon
Light and Reflection session hosted by Cassandra Wye and Lucinda Offer
RAS/Lucinda Offer and Cassandra Wye

Light and Reflection - listen to a story of light and reflection with Cassandra and do an activity on reflection with Lucinda.

Early Years and Foundation Stage (3 - 5 years)

You can watch Light and Reflection here.


A nan and her grandchild look up at the Moon
Light and Plants session hosted by Cassandra Wye and Lucinda Offer
RAS/Lucinda Offer and Cassandra Wye

Light and Plants - listen to a story about light and growth with Cassandra and learn about an activity of growing pumpkin seeds at home with Lucinda. 

For Key Stage One (5 - 7 years)

You can watch Light and Plants here.


A nan and her grandchild look up at the Moon
Light and Moon phases session with Cassandra Wye and Lucinda Offer
RAS/Lucinda Offer and Cassandra Wye

Light and Moon phases - Listen to a story about light and our Moon with Cassandra and learn more about Moon phases with Lucinda.

For Key Stage Two (7 - 11 years)

You can watch Light and Moon phases here.