Travel expenses for RAS diversity ambassador visits to schools
The RAS has partnered with STEMNET to create a new scheme called the 'diversity ambassador scheme'. This is part of our ongoing commitment to broaden the diversity of people engaging with astronomy, space science and geophysics, whether simply attending events or choosing to pursue careers in these areas.
We would very much like to encourage researchers to engage with schools, particularly those in areas of socio-economic deprivation, where attainment is low and where the population is under-represented in astronomy, space science and geophysics. Becoming a diversity ambassador will help us with that goal.
RAS Fellows who are STEM ambassadors can now also become diversity ambassadors for the RAS. If you are interested in this scheme please contact the RAS Education, Outreach and Diversity Officer, who will be able to advise you on the next steps.
The Society can also offer diversity ambassadors resources and training as required.
If you are a Fellow and you visit a school, STEM club or similar, as part of your work as a STEM ambassador you may be eligible to claim for your travel expenses to that school from the RAS.
In order to make a claim you must complete a short feedback and evaluation form about your activity and then submit the claim using our standard expenses form. Any claims must also fit within our policy for allowable travel.
For any other questions about the new scheme or to inform us about your visit please contact the Education, Outreach and Diversity Officer.