Communicating astronomy at historic observatories

Dunsink Observatory
Dunsink Observatory (1785) (Bruennow 1870)
Start Date
End Date

**This meeting will be taking place in Dublin, Ireland**

Book your Fellow In-Person or Online Ticket 

Book your Non-Fellow In-Person or Online Ticket

With modern science museums in most major cities, it is easy to forget historic scientific buildings, such as astronomical observatories, which have been communicating science with the public for centuries. These sites provide a unique angle for public engagement with science as they blend heritage with modern scientific research. While this distinct combination of old and new provides special opportunities for engagement, they can also come with challenges. 

While engaging the public in science at these locations, many tools can be used to expand the capabilities of these sites. The use of technology and the arts in particular can be useful mediums for inclusion of groups who have traditionally not had the opportunity to engage with science in historic buildings. 

The Astronomical Observatories of Ireland partnership between DIAS Dunsink Observatory, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium and Birr Castle was launched last year kicking off new joint engagement activities between the historic sites. We now aim to extend the conversation to include more colleagues across the UK and Ireland in order for us all to learn from each other since the challenges faced across the board are mirrored.


Organisational Information

Registration and requests for talks/posters will open shortly. In the meantime, any enquiries about the meeting should also be made to Sadhbh Leahy ( in the first instance.

Abstract submission: Deadline 14th of February


Sadhbh Leahy (DIAS)
Dr Sophie Murray (DIAS),
Prof Peter Gallagher (DIAS)
Prof Caitriona Jackman (DIAS)
Dr. Affelia Wibisono (DIAS)

Sinead Mackle (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium)




Book your Fellow In-Person or Online Ticket 

Book your Non-Fellow In-Person or Online Ticket