Annie Maunder Medal for Outreach (A/G)

The Annie Maunder Medal

The Annie Maunder Medal is open to everyone involved in outreach or public engagement for astronomy or geophysics. That is: academics, amateurs, and professionals (including those whose main occupation is outreach or public engagement). This Medal can be awarded to individuals or whole teams. In line with other RAS Awards, this Medal is open to nominees from anywhere in the world.

Annie Scott Dill Maunder (1868-1947) was one of the first women to be made a Fellow of the RAS. The medal was launched in 2016, as part of the Society's celebration of the centenary of the admission of women to Fellowship.

Please note self-nominations are not accepted, however, proposers may work with their nominees so that all the relevant information regarding the numbers of people reached and the impact of the work can easily be provided.  

To Nominate for the Annie Maunder Medal for Outreach

Nominations should be submitted by the last Friday in September for the following year's awards and should include:

  • The online nomination form
  • The case for nomination (maximum length 250 words). This should include details of the work of the nominee, the number of members of the public and others they engage with and related wider community activity.

Fill out the form here.



