Service Award (G)

The Service Award is to honour individuals or team leaders who, through outstanding or exceptional work, have promoted, facilitated or encouraged the sciences of astronomy or geophysics and developed their role nationally or internationally but whose achievement does not fall within the criteria of the Society's other awards.

The award will be a suitable gift, chosen after consultation with the recipient.

To nominate

Nominations should be submitted by 31 July for the following year's awards and should include:

  • The online nomination form below.
  • Curriculum Vitae. This should be no longer than 4 pages long.  If the CV is not in the public domain, please ensure that you have the nominee's permission to pass it on to a third party. 
  • Your nomination (minimum length 300 words, maximum length 600 words). This should address how the nominee fulfils the criteria of the Award, and also include the nominee's present career stage, the nominee's present post, and other awards and honours. Successful nominations argue a strong case for why the nominee deserves the award over and above one of their peers working in the same area. It is helpful if the nomination is phrased in such a way that extracts from it can be used in the formal recommendation of the Committee. The panel would also find it helpful if more general information on the nominee’s contributions to the community could be included for example, mentoring, public engagement work, leadership, committee/panel service, etc. The panel appreciates that such activity will vary according to the career stage of the nominee. 
  • Additionally, please give details of two referees. Please ensure you have contacted the referees and that they agree to write a letter of support. They will receive an automated email from us once the nomination has been submitted.

Additional supporting material may be requested if required.

Fill out the form here.

