Early Career Network Committee

The ECN focuses on a number of areas; namely:

  • Building networks of peers – across all areas of astronomy, geophysics and solar system science, including industry, education, academia and business
  • In conjunction with the RAS Membership Committee, working to encourage early career scientists to join the Society
  • Putting early career Fellows in touch with those in a position to support them
  • Supporting early career Fellows to understand career options including opportunities in industry, academia, business, teaching and other career paths
  • Supporting early career Fellows to develop relevant skills such as networking, writing funding applications, and conducting effective outreach

The ECN Steering Committee oversees the ECN, and has the following responsibilities:

  1. Have oversight of activities organised by Early Career Network representatives, ensure that they meet the standards set out in the RAS Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy, and advise on their content. 
  2. Ensure that the programme of Early Career Network events supported by the Society operates within a defined budget agreed by Council.
  3. Act as the interface between early career network members, and RAS staff and Council
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of all Early Career Network activities on a regular basis, monitoring its impact on areas such as transition to employment in academia and industry, and the development of relevant skillsets.
  5. Liaise with and feed into the work of the RAS Membership Committee

The ECN committee are:

  • Chair: Jack Reid
  • Vice-Chair: Steven Gough-Kelly
  • Dr Matthew Temple

And is supported by Marieta Valdivia Lefort (RAS Policy and Diversity Officer).