Javier Sanchez Gonzalez

Career Stage
Student (undergraduate)
Poster Abstract

Design and testing of device to soundly reproduce the light from the stars, obtaining a similarity
between light and sound. Initially designed for the inclusion of blind people in Astronomy.
This device consists of a light sensor, a 16-bit digital analog converter and arduino.
The sensor is installed in the telescope eyepiece to acquire the light data and transform
it into sound, initially obtaining the apparent magnitude of the star.

Plain text summary
Slide1: This is the theoretical part of the formula
to obtain the apparent magnitude of the stars using the sun as a reference.

Title:Sonifying the brightness of the stars
Javier Sanchez Gonzalez. jsanchezg@unal.edu.co
Santiago Vargas Domínguez svargasd@unal.edu.co
Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Observatorio Astronómico Nacional

Introduction: The need to implement inclusive strategies towards the social and scientific development
of our society, motivated us to create technological devices to bring science, and in particular Astronomy,
to visual impaired-people. Taking advantage of developments in electronics and data acquisition,
we have created a tool for transforming the brightness of the stars into audible sounds.
Theory: Based on the equation for the determination of the magnitudes:

(Equation 1) m_1-m_2=-2.5 log_10(F_1/F_2)

m_2= -26.8 is the apparent magnitude of the Sun F_2= 130000 lux which is the approximate
flow that comes from the Sun to the earth's surface ,F_1 is the approximate flow that comes from the star and
m_1 is the apparent magnitude of the star

Slide 2:we started the assembly
Practice: The TCS34Astrophysics is an optical sensor that incorporates a 3x4 photodiode array, along with 4 16-bit
analog-digital converters (ADC) that perform the measurement of the photodiodes, improving the
Arduino's 10-bit response.
-Connection diagram between arduino and sensor ,we connect the A4 , A5 ,GND and VCC pins of the arduino to the
SDA, SCL ,GND and VCC pins respectively

Slide 3:We put sound
A healthy, young ear is sensitive to frequencies between 19 Hz and 19 kHz. Arduino has two functions that
allow us to easily generate electrical signals to convert into sound, using any of the available digital outputs.
These functions are tone() and noTone(), they allow you to generate or stop the tone signal on a pin.
The ranges of the tone function are 31 Hz to 65535 Hz.
Finally, we translate the magnitude obtained with the Arduino map() function into a sound within
the human audible range.
-Connection diagram between arduino and buzzer,we connect the SIG, GND and VCC pins to pins 9 which
is PWM of the arduced GND and VCC respectively

Slide 4:
Due to pandemic conditions the calibration of the instrument is still under development.
If you want to use a loudspeaker instead of a buzzer, an amplification stage is
It is a simple assembly with a logic consistent with the reception of the eye and ear
-Speaker amplification scheme.
-final assembly arduino sensor and buzzer.

Using the Adafruit TCS34Astrophysics, Wire and math libraries to control and acquire data from the sensor
Poster Title
Sonifying the brightness of the stars
jsanchezg@unal.edu.co , svargasd@unal.edu.co