Jaime Callejon Hierro
The entrained magnetic structure associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the main drivers of geomagnetic activity. Thus, a reliable prediction of the ICME internal magnetic field structure is a requisite for developing a robust space weather forecast capability. Often, the in-situ imprints of the Interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) display signatures of a confined magnetized plasma wrapped by helical magnetic field lines. The modeling and 3D reconstruction efforts are based on flux-rope topologies; locally (in-situ observations) based on axial-symmetric geometry, and globally (remote-sensing observations) based on a toroidal geometry. Still today, the reconciliation of both view-points is lacking a model or reconstruction that connects both sides.
This contribution aspires to closing the gap between the local and the global view-points by providing a tool to exhibit a 3D global perspective based on the results from the in-situ reconstruction of the heliospheric magnetic flux-ropes. We have developed an interactive tool for users to easily visualize a magnetic flux rope based on the model developed in Nieves-Chinchilla et al. 2018 (ApJ). The tool allows the user to change the model’s input parameters in a graphical user interface (GUI) and see the effect of these changes on the model. It illustrates flux ropes in a Sun-Earth system and for different observatories (i.e. Wind, STEREO, Bepi Colombo, PSP or Solar Orbiter), where users can visualize a spacecraft’s trajectory through a flux rope in an interactive animation. Inside the GUI some features have been added to facilitate the interaction with the model parameters. For instance, users can create and save animations of the flux rope as it propagates through space in different reference frames, add/remove field lines or represent the synthetic in-situ data for a given set of parameters.
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the main
drivers of geomagnetic activity. Thus, a reliable
prediction of the ICME internal magnetic field
structure is a requisite for developing a robust
space weather forecast capability. Often, the insitu imprints of the Interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs)
display signatures of a confined magnetized
plasma wrapped by helical magnetic field lines.
The modeling and 3D reconstruction efforts are
based on flux-rope topologies; locally (in-situ
observations) based on axial-symmetric geometry,
and globally (remote-sensing observations) based
on a toroidal geometry. Still today, the
reconciliation of both view-points is lacking a
model or reconstruction that connects both sides
1) Provide a 3D visualization tool that can
reconstruct the flux rope model described in
Nieves-Chinchilla et. al 2018 (ApJ).
2) Create an interactive Graphical User Interface
(GUI) where users can interact with the 3D
3) Develop an Application Programming
Interface (API) to interactively load spacecraft
insitu data from NASA servers and compare it
to the reconstruction models described in
Nieves-Chinchilla et. al 2018 (ApJ).
4) Develop 3D animations for users to interact
with the model parameters and insitu data in
the GUI.
3D Reconstruction:
The GUI allows users to change the input
parameters of the flux rope reconstruction model
to see how they affect the geometry of the 3D
Users can choose between different reference
frames (RTN, GSE, HEE), toggle the visual
elements, and change the length of the field lines
and flux tubes interactively within the GUI.
All these reconstructions can be animated in 3D
and saved to a local computer. The GUI also
allows users to save the still images in 3D.
2d Reconstruction:
The flux rope reconstruction can be tested against
insitu data from spacecraft. The GUI can fetch
information from NASA servers and plot
hundreds of insitu flux rope events against the
flux rope model established in Nieves-Chinchilla
et. al 2018 (ApJ).
The inputs from the user are pictured in the 2D
reconstruction of the flux rope model. Users can
check how these inputs affect the line of best fit
Data can be loaded by know flux rope events or
by date. This allows users to have a full
autonomy to choose what data they want to
choose from
This contribution aspires to closing the gap between
the local and the global view-points by providing a
tool to exhibit a 3D global perspective based on the
results from the in-situ reconstruction of the
heliospheric magnetic flux-ropes. We have
developed an interactive tool for users to easily
visualize a magnetic flux rope based on the model
developed in Nieves-Chinchilla et al. 2018 (ApJ).
The tool allows the user to change the model’s input
parameters in a graphical user interface (GUI) and
see the effect of these changes on the model. It
illustrates flux ropes in a Sun-Earth system and for
different observatories (i.e. Wind, STEREO, Bepi
Colombo, PSP or Solar Orbiter), where users can
visualize a spacecraft’s trajectory through a flux
rope in an interactive animation.
Special thanks to Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Ayris
Narock, and Luiz Fernando Guedes dos Santos for
mentoring this project
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Catholic
University of America for sponsoring the internship