Doosoo Yoon
The supermassive black hole in the Galactic Centre, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A∗), the only black hole for which we can directly resolve both the event horizon as well as its outer feeding conditions, serves as a unique laboratory for numerical models of accretion and outflows. It is known to be fed by a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF), inferred by its low accretion rate. Consequently, radiative cooling has, in general, been overlooked in the study of Sgr A*. However, the radiative properties of the plasma in RIAFs are poorly understood. In this work, using full 3D general-relativistic magneto-hydrodynamical simulations, we study the impact of radiative cooling on the dynamical evolution of the accreting plasma, presenting spectral energy distributions and synthetic sub-millimeter images generated from the accretion flow around Sgr A*. These simulations calculate the approximated equations for radiative cooling processes self-consistently, including synchrotron, bremsstrahlung, and inverse Compton processes. We find that radiative cooling plays an increasingly important role in the dynamics of the accretion flow as the accretion rate increases: the mid-plane density grows and the infalling gas is less turbulent resulting in reduced angular momentum transport via magneto-rotational instability as cooling becomes stronger. The changes in the dynamical evolution become important when the accretion rate is larger than 10^-8 Msun yr^-1 (i.e., >10^-7 Mdot_Edd, where Mdot_Edd is the Eddington accretion rate). The resulting spectra in the cooled models also differ from those in the non-cooled models: the overall flux including the peak values at the sub-mm and the far-UV is slightly lower as due to the decrease in the electron temperature. Although the difference is not significant, our results suggest that radiative cooling needs to be taken into account in modeling Sgr A* and other low-luminosity active galactic nuclei that have a mass accretion rate of Mdot>10^-7 Mdot_Edd.
In this work, using full 3D general-relativistic magneto-hydrodynamical (GRMHD) simulations, we study the impact of radiative cooling on the dynamical evolution of the accreting plasma, presenting spectral energy distributions and synthetic sub-millimeter images generated from the accretion flow around Sgr A∗. We set the direction of the jet to be aligned with the angular momentum of the accreting gas (Fig. 1). These simulations calculate the approximated equations for radiative cooling processes self-consistently, including synchrotron, bremsstrahlung, and inverse Compton processes. Fig. 2 describes the computed cooling rates for each process. Given the typical electron temperature of 10^11 K in the accretion flow, bremsstrahlung is relatively weak, while synchrotron and inverse Compton scattering are dominant up to 10 Rg, where Rg is the gravitational radius.
We find that radiative cooling plays an increasingly important role in the dynamics of the accretion flow as the accretion rate increases: the mid-plane density grows and the infalling gas is less turbulent as cooling becomes stronger (Fig. 3). The changes in the dynamical evolution become important when the accretion rate is larger than 10^-8 Msun yr^-1 (i.e., > 10^-7 Mdot_Edd). Fig. 4 shows the disk thickness, H/R, as a function of radius. It shows that as cooling becomes stronger, the disk becomes thinner. Fig. 5 shows the density-weighted radius as a function of time, which indicates how the disk spreads out through the angular momentum transport. It shows that as cooling becomes stronger, angular momentum transport is more suppressed. This is because magneto-rotational instability is reduced as a consequence of the relatively ordered magnetic field (Fig. 3).
The resulting image at 230 GHz and spectra in the cooled model also differ from that in the non-cooled model: the intensity at the brightest region in the cooled model is slightly dimmer than in the non-cooled model (Fig. 6). The overall flux including the peak values at the sub-mm and the far-UV is also slightly lower as a consequence of a decrease in the electron temperature (Fig. 7). Although the difference is not significant, our results suggest that radiative cooling needs to be taken into account in modeling Sgr A*.
Theoretical understanding of black hole Astrophysics is very timely since the upcoming interferometric observation of Sgr A* with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) will enable us to stand on another breakthrough, imaging the black hole shadow around Sgr A*. Our study will contribute to predicting the images and understanding the physics of the accreting flows.