RAS Bicentennial Quilt Update

The bicentenary patchwork quilt laid out on a table, with a women working on stitching it together. It features embroidered squares depicting galaxies, planets and other celestial objects.
The patchwork side of the RAS Bicentennial Quilt
Royal Astronomical Society

Finally, three and a half years after starting the RAS bicentennial quilt project, we're delighted to announce the completion of the patchwork quilt! 

Since the last update:

  • The 100 patchwork squares were stitched together to form the top of the quilt. 
  • The top, batting and backing were quilted together thanks to the help of our amazing volunteers. 
  • Lastly, the binding around the edge was stitched in place.  

Since we decided to split the project from one double sided quilt to two separate ones, work on the solar system quilt continues. Our talented volunteer embroiderers are making excellent progress on the sun and Jupiter. We're also in the process of planning summer workshops for anyone who's keen to add their stitches to our homage of Ellen Baker's 1876 masterpiece, details to follow in the coming weeks.

To behold the patchwork quilt in all its glory you will find it on display in the RAS Library at the Coronation Courtyard Late from now until 8 June. Fellows are welcome to drop in Tuesday to Friday. Members of the public are also welcome - please contact librarian@ras.ac.uk to make an appointment to view the quilt. 


Submitted by on Fri, 12/05/2023 - 18:53