Election results 2019: new RAS Council

The results of the 2019 RAS elections were announced at the Annual General Meeting of the Society on Friday 10 May.


The following Fellows were elected to serve on Council, the governing body of the Society:


President Elect: Emma Bunce 

The President Elect will serve as President Elect for one year and as President for two years:


Vice President (A): Paul Daniels 

Vice President (G): Mahesh Anand 

The vice-presidents will serve terms of two years each.


Four councillors are elected for a three year term.

Sheona Urquhart 

Jane MacArthur 

Matthew Middleton

Martin Lunn 


One councillor is elected for a one year term.

Indhu Varatharajan


Short biographies of all of the RAS Councillors can be found at the link below.


Submitted by Pam Rowden on