Simon Thomas id
Poster Title
Simulations of the ionosphere by the IPIM Model during extreme solar wind conditions
IRAP, Toulouse
Abstract (short summary)
The IRAP Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (IPIM) is an ionospheric model which describes the transport equations of ionospheric plasma species along magnetic closed field lines. As input, the previous iteration of IPIM used basic models to provide estimations of the solar wind conditions, convection, and precipitation within the ionosphere. In this presentation, we discuss the development of a new operational version of IPIM as part of the EUHFORIA project to monitor and forecast space weather conditions and hazards. The developments of the model include using in-situ solar wind observations from the OMNI data set, ionospheric radar data of plasma motions from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), and precipitation data from the Ovation model, as inputs to the model. A new conductivity module for low latitudes has also been developed for help in the simulation of geomagnetically induced currents. We compare the new IPIM version with the previous version and ionospheric observations to explore the differences observed by including these data within the model. We present the first results from this version which explore the ionosphere’s response to different solar wind conditions, including some extreme space weather events such as high-speed streams and coronal mass ejections.
Plain text (extended) Summary
The IRAP Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (IPIM) is a complex computer model which aims to simulate the Earth's (and other planet's) ionospheres. As input, the previous iteration used basic models to provide estimations of the solar wind conditions, convection, and plasma precipitation within the ionosphere. New developments of the model include using in-situ solar wind observations from the OMNI data set, ionospheric radar data of plasma motions from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), and precipitation data from the Ovation model, as inputs to the model. A new conductivity module for low latitudes has also been developed for help in the simulation of space weather hazards, in particular strong underground currents which can cause problems for electric grids. We present the first results from this version which explore the ionosphere's response to different solar wind conditions, including a coronal mass ejection from the EUHFORIA catalogue.