Luz García id
Poster Title
The properties of high redshift galaxies
Universidad ECCI
Abstract (short summary)
The Epoch of Reionization is this era in cosmic history when the neutral Hydrogen in the intergalactic medium turned into its ionized state due to the ionizing fronts produced by the newborn stars, galaxies, black holes, among others. Its progression is directly linked to the UV photons' sources, particularly the first galaxies. This work focuses on the properties of high redshift galaxies, their star formation rate, the feedback of this process with the intergalactic medium, and other observational constraints. Using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations, we characterize the evolution of these galaxies towards the tail of Reionization and their relation with the dark matter halos, its interaction with the environment, and the self-consistent chemical enrichment. The most remarkable finding of this work is that the budget of ionizing photons to conclude the Reionization era comes from faint galaxies below the resolution of current instruments. However, the upcoming JWST will confirm this assumption by measuring the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function out to z ~ 10 and will extend our understanding of the first stages of the evolution of the cosmic structures.

Plain text (extended) Summary
This work studies the connection between early galaxies and their hosting dark matter halos in the early Universe, when Reionization is concluding. The theoretical models provide a forecast for the star formation history at z = 4 - 8, the galaxy stellar mass function, the stellar-to-halo mass distribution, and other dark matter halo statistics. All these predictions are consistent with the observations to date and other high-resolution numerical simulations. A key finding of this work is that the robust investigation of the assembly of the structure and the cosmic star formation history (through the implementation of galaxy and supernova winds and atomic and molecular cooling processes) leads to a self-consistent scheme for the chemical pollution in the intergalactic medium. Also, the theoretical models are compatible with a faint-end slope of the galaxy luminosity function of alpha = -2 at the end of the Reionization.
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