Benedict Hofmann id
Poster Title
KIDSpec, a μs time resolving Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector spectrograph for the optical/NIR
Durham University
Abstract (short summary)
The Kinetic Inductance Detector Spectrometer (KIDSpec) is an upcoming Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) optical to NIR instrument which has the potential to contribute science to a wide variety of fields. One such field is transients. Due to the MKID's native time resolution on the order of μs and lack of read noise and dark current, KIDSpec will be well suited to observations of these objects. Here we briefly outline the KIDSpec concept, the KIDSpec Simulator (KSIM) and show results from simulations of KIDSpec's observations when used to view these objects when completed.

Plain text (extended) Summary
The Kinetic Inductance Detector Spectrometer (KIDSpec) is an upcoming Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) optical to NIR instrument which has the potential to contribute science to a wide variety of fields. One such field is transients. Due to the MKID's native time resolution on the order of μs and lack of read noise and dark current, KIDSpec will be well suited to observations of these objects. Here we briefly outline the KIDSpec concept, the KIDSpec Simulator (KSIM) and show results from simulations of KIDSpec's observations when used to view these objects when completed. KIDSpec presents exciting opportunities for many science areas especially using its time resolving and low noise capabilities. Simulations of KIDSpec using KSIM show KIDSpec has the potential to almost double the SNR of other similar instruments such as X-Shooter for short or faint object exposures. While KIDSpec is being designed using KSIM, its science case list continues to grow. To simulate or discuss a science case using KSIM, please contact the author of this poster.