Harvest Moon
Title: Harvest Moon
Description: Representation of the full moon that is closest to the fall equinox.
Maker: Carole Ann Frocillo
Techniques used: Commercial and hand dyed fabrics and cheesecloth, machine pieced and hand stitched.
In 2009 as my husband was losing ground in his fight to stay alive, I stepped out on my porch in the evening and saw the beautiful harvest moon. It gave me a sense of peace amidst the turmoil that I was feeling. In this year of Covid-19, I desperately needed to find that peace again. I stepped outside and there was the harvest moon.
I joined later in the project at the invitation of my friend, Michele Lasker. I have thoroughly enjoyed, not only the process of creating an art piece, but meeting people from other geographical areas who have varied backgrounds.
Social media / website: caroleannfrocillo.com