
A world map scattered with different coloured circles. The circles are blue, orange and green and appear translucent against the map.
Map of the Global Seismographic Network (GSN) which includes the USGS Caribbean network (network code CU), the IRIS/IDA network (network code II), the IRIS/USGS network (network code IU), and the New China Digital Seismograph Network (network code IC; ASL, 1992). Stations from these networks that did not provide data (e.g., station was down) during the event are depicted by green circles. Stations with both a microbarograph and a seismometer are depicted by blue circles. Stations with only a seismometer are depicted by orange circles. We have included the location of the Hunga Tonga eruption (red star) as well as the antipode (black star).
Ringler et al.