Journals & periodicals

Journals & periodicals

The following table lists journals and periodicals which are currently taken by the RAS Library.

The Library also has a substantial collection of non-current journals, which can be searched using the Library Catalogue.


Title ISSN
Acta astronomica 0001-5237
Acta astronomica Sinica 0001-5245
Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics  
Antiquarian horology 0003-5785
Apparent places of fundamental stars 0174-254X
Astronomer 0950-138X
Astronomical almanac 0737-6421
Astronomie 0004-6302
Astronomische Nachrichten 0004-6337
Astronomy 0091-6358
Astronomy and astrophysics 0004-6361
Astronomy and geophysics 1366-8781
Astronomy now 0951-9726
BAA Solar Section newsletter No ISSN
British journal for the history of science 0007-0874
Bulletin / The British Sundial Society No ISSN
Chinese journal of geophysics 0001-5733
Contributions to geophysics & geodesy 1335-2806
Deep-sky observer 0967-6139
ESA bulletin 0376-4265
Geofizika (Zagreb) 0352-3659
Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 0016-7940
Geophysical journal international 0956-540X
Geoscientist 0961-5628
Journal for the history of astronomy 0021-8286
Journal of astronomical history and heritage 1440-2807
Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 0271-9053
Journal of the British Astronomical Association 0007-0297
London Mathematical Society newsletter No ISSN
Messenger = El mensajero 0722-6691
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 0035-8711
Newsletter / The British Sundial Society No ISSN
Physics world 0953-8585
Popular astronomy (Ilford) 0261-0892
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 0004-6280
Revista Mexicana de astronomia y astrofisica 0185-1101
Science 0036-8075
Science in Parliament 0263-6271
Scientific American 0036-8733
Sky and telescope 0037-6604
Space UK No ISSN
Speculum : the journal of the William Herschel Society No ISSN
Studia geophysica et geodaetica 0039-3169
The observatory 0029-7704
Variable Star Section circular / British Astronomical Association 0267-9272