Abbreviated Titles of Sources of Obituaries

ANAstronomische Nachrichten
DNBDictionary of National Biography*
DSBDictionary of Scientific Biography
JOJournal des Observateurs
JRASCJournal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
MNMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
NASNational Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs
NDSBNew Dictionary of Scientific Biography
ObsThe Observatory
PASPPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
WWho Was Who

* Obituaries are linked to directly if they are freely available online. Some Fellows feature in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB), which is subscription only so it is not possible to link directly to Fellows' biographies. Instead a link to the DNB home page is provided so that you can sign in via your institution or by entering the barcode of your public library card, and search for the relevant entry.