Hydrogen molecular ions meeting

Hydrogen molecular ions meetingNews

Hydrogen molecular ions meeting

Published: 22 November 2018

The role of the molecular ions of hydrogen in astronomy and planetary science comes under scrutiny at a Royal Society meeting in January 2019.

Hydrogen molecular ions meeting
Jupiter's southern aurora in infrared from the Juno mission

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The role of the molecular ions of hydrogen in astronomy and planetary science comes under scrutiny at a Royal Society meeting in January 2019.

Molecular ions such as H3trace the aurora of Jupiter  and feature in models of the galactic centre. Intensive laboratory studies covering ultra cold chemistry, the behaviour of the related ion H5+ and new data form Saturn and Jupiter will all feature at this Royal Society discussion meeting on 21 and 22 January, organised by Jonathan Tennyson FRS, Benjamin McCall and Steven Miller. The meeting is free to attend – although you need to register in advance – and details can be found at the Royal Society website


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