Book a Fellow March In Person or Online SDM ticket
Book a Non Fellows March In Person or Online SDM ticket
The rise of the field of Agro-geophysics seeks to apply geophysical methods to help characterise the shallow subsurface (often focussed on soil and water properties) with the ultimate aim of informing land management strategies. Several UK-based geophysics researchers are already working to explore the use of geophysical methods in this field, and with the advent of emerging technological developments such as 4D real-time electrical monitoring, Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and Large-N seismic node deployments becoming more common-place, now is an ideal time for geophysics and environmental facing researchers to work together with the British farming community to explore how science can be utilised to help them face current challenges to food production in the UK.
In this meeting we invite those with an interest in learning about, or who are already working on agricultural geophysics to discuss ongoing work and consider directions of future research/collaboration with international experts in agro-geophysics as well as specialists from environmentally facing disciplines including soil science, hydrology and agriculture as well as British farmers who can speak directly on the issues they face.
Abstract submission at Deadline 16th April.
Jenny Jenkins (Durham)
Kevin Davidson (Birkbeck)
Jessica Johnson (East Anglia)