Dynamos, Dynamics, and the Solar Cycle at Cycle 25 Maximum

WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels
Start Date
End Date

Book a Fellows January In-Person or Online SDM Ticket 

Book a Non-Fellows January In-Person or Online SDM Ticket 


As the Sun approaches the maximum of Solar Cycle 25 there is growing interest in when the cycle will peak and how active the Sun will be when it does. This Discussion Meeting will focus on the solar activity cycle, the dynamo processes that drive it, its interaction with helioseismic diagnostics, our ability to predict how future cycles will evolve and the implications of observations of the current solar cycle for our understanding of previous cycles. We will also consider the consequences of varying activity cycles on orbiting planets, including Earth.

There are still many unresolved questions about the Sun's dynamo, and this meeting will facilitate discussion between those modelling the dynamo and those whose focus is on observing the Sun’s interior, its atmosphere, and the Sun-Earth environment, all of which have features that must be accounted for by such models. This session will be of interest to both the Solar Physics and MIST communities. We will especially welcome contributions from helioseismologists, dynamo modellers and those interested in the long-term evolution of the solar magnetic activity cycles.

The day will also include an informal discussion session on needs and prospects for future solar observatories, both space- and ground-based.

Abstract submission page here, deadline 16th December: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQbt1Pvn7IgiIzsGg173csejbxmCj1gVPUwME2MGhxcJZqaA/viewform


10:30: Laurent Gizon (Invited) Acoustic and Inertial Modes as Probes of the Solar Dynamo

11:00: Rekha Jain (Invited): Mixed Inertial modes within the internal layers of the Sun

11:30: Rachel Howe: Looking for far-side activity in short-timescale helioseismology with BiSON and GONG

11:45: Dmitrii Kolotkov: Cycle dependence of helioseismic oscillations near the acoustic cut-off frequency

12:00: Chloe Griffin: Solar oscillations during Snowball Earth

12:15: Tomás Muñoz-Salazar: 600 years of late-spring frosts events registered in tree-rings from Patagonia and it relation to periods of minimum solar activity

12:30: lunch

13:30: Valentina Zharkova: Comparison of solar activity indices derived from Eigen vectors of solar background magnetic field and sunspot  numbers

13:45: Barbara Perri (Invited): Dynamical interactions between the solar magnetic field and the solar wind

14:15: Anthony Yeates: Rogue active regions and solar cycle predictability

14:30: Scott Hopper: Tearing Instability in the Solar Tachocline

14:45: Craig Duguid: Dynamo action in the solar tachocline

15:00: Paul Charbonneau (Invited): Subcritical dynamos and solar cycle variability



Rachel Howe (Birmingham)

Anne-Marie Broomhall (Warwick)

Paul Bushby (Newcastle)

Matthew Owens (Reading)



Book a Fellows January In-Person or Online SDM Ticket 

Book a Non-Fellows January In-Person or Online SDM Ticket 

Venue Address

The Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House


51.5085763, -0.13960799999995