Education and Outreach Awards Committee

2025 Education and Outreach Awards Committee


Prof. Andy Newsam - Chair

Prof. Sheona Urqhart (RAS A Secretary)

Dr Amy Gilligan (Aberdeen)

Mr. Alastair Leith

Mr. Chris Smith

Mrs. Sarah Llewellyn-Davies

Dr Paul Roche (Cardiff)


The Committee will consist of a Chair appointed by Council (normally the chair of the Education & Outreach Committee), five members, and a RAS Secretary. All Committee members will be RAS Fellows. Committee memberships are normally made on the recommendation of the Committee Chairs.

Terms of Reference

The committee assesses the nominations for the education and outreach medals and presents their recommendations to the December Council Meeting. The winners are announced at the January A&G Meeting.


Committee members are agreed at the RAS March Council Meeting, and meet once a year.

Term of Appointment

Normally members will serve on the Committees for three years with one third retiring each year at the time of the AGM, but Council will review the balance of the Committees each year.