Awards Committee - Astronomy

2024 Astronomy Awards Committee

Prof Stephen Eales (Cardiff) VP Year 2 - Chair
Dr Matthew Middleton (Southampton) VP Year 1
Dr Sheona Urquhart (OU) RAS ‘A’ Secretary
Dr Olivia Keenan – (SEPNet) RAS Council 
Dr Belinda Wilkes – (University of Bristol) RAS Council
Prof Matt Griffin - (Cardiff) 
Prof Chris Done - (Durham)


The Committee will consist of a Chair appointed by Council (normally a Vice-President in their 2nd year), five members, plus a 1st Year Vice-President, and a RAS Secretary. All Committee members will be RAS Fellows, and normally two members, in addition to the Chair, 1st Year Vice-President and RAS Secretary, will be current members of Council. Committee memberships are normally made on the recommendation of the Committee Chairs.


Committee members are agreed at the RAS July Council Meeting.  The committee meets via conference call early late September/early October, with an in-person meeting at Burlington House in November.  The Committee's recommendations are presented to the December Council Meeting, and announced at the January A&G Meeting.

Term of Appointment

Normally members will serve on the Committees for three years with one-third retiring each year at the time of the AGM, but Council will review the balance of the Committees each year.