The UK in Aurora II

Start Date
End Date

A specialist discussion meeting of the RAS.

Organised by John Bridges (Leicester) and Axel Hagermann (OU)


The 2nd UK in Aurora Programme/Planetary Science meeting will be held at the Royal Astronomical Society, London on January 14th 2011.

High resolution imaging and near infrared mapping of the martian surface, together with detailed studies of martian meteorites and analogue research are revealing more about how climate and surface processes have changed on Mars. New missions such as the Mars Science Laboratory and the Trace Gas Orbiter will also answer more questions about the evolution of Mars. Mars research is acting as a spur for the development of analytical techniques such as XRD, Raman and the Life Marker Chip.
Following presentations from ESA and UKSA about current Mars exploration plans, there will be an open discussion about UK priorities for the Aurora mission after ExoMars.

A booklet of the submitted abstracts for this meeting is available as a PDF document here, and a PDF of the meeting programme is also available, here.

