Non-equilibrium plasmas, from the X-rays to the UV: challenges for modelling

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 An RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting organised by Dr Giulio Del Zanna (Cambridge)*, Dr Helen Mason (Cambridge) and Professor Nigel Badnell (Strathclyde)
*Contact:  Non-equilibrium effects such as time-dependent ionization, non-Maxwellian particle distributions and high density effects are ubiquitous in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. It is therefore essential to have models of plasma emission that both assess the presence of non-equilibrium effects and provide techniques to obtain details of the plasma conditions from spectroscopic measurements, from the X-rays to the UV. This meeting will bring together laboratory and solar physicists, together with astronomers and atomic physicists, to discuss advances and common techniques for studying non-equilibrium plasma conditions. Future space missions will have even higher-cadence and higher-resolution observations and the importance of non-equilibrium effects will become evident. One example is the solar IRIS spectroscopic mission launched in 2013, which is examining the interface region between the chromosphere and corona. For programme details:

  Tea and coffee will be available from 10:00 and again after the meeting at 15:30.