Fred Hoyle Birth Centennial – his remarkable career and the impact of his science

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An RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting organised by Simon Mitton*,Professor John Barrow, Professor Andrew Fabian FRS (Cambridge)*Contact: Simon Mitton The birth centenary of Fred Hoyle was on 24th June 2015.  This specialist discussion on the history of astronomy will examine Fred's impact on all aspects of astrophysics and cosmology.  Hoyle is noted primarily for the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis and his controversial stances on other cosmological and scientific matters - in particular his rejection of the "Big Bang" theory.  The emphasis will be a retrospective of Hoyle's professional career in advancing astronomy, and his lasting contributions to astronomy.  Hoyle's many honours include the RAS Gold Medal (1968), the Bruce Medal (1970), the Royal Medal (1974) and the Crafoord Prize (1997).  He served as President of the Society 1971-73. 10.00 RegistrationMorning sessionChair: Professor Andrew Fabian10.30 Professor Lord Rees of Ludlow. Setting the scene10.40 Professor Andrew Fabian FRS (IOA). Hoyle and Lyttleton: accretion physics11.00 Professor Donald Lynden-Bell FRS (IOA). Historical overview of origin of the chemical elements and work by Eddington and Hoyle11.15  Professor Malcolm Longair FRS (Cavendish). Hoyle and nucleosynthesis11.35 Professor Leon Mestel FRS (DAMTP). Reflections on Fred12.00 Professor Jayant Narlikar (IUCAA, India). Fred's theories and ideas about gravity12.30 Professor John D Barrow FRS (DAMTP). Fred Hoyle and Cosmology13.00 – 14.00 LunchAfternoon SessionChair: Professor John D Barrow14.00 Nicola Hoyle. Personal reflections on my grandfather14.15 Dr Cormac O'Raifearteigh (Waterford Inst Technology). Steady-state cosmologies in context14.30 Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe (Univ Buckingham). Fred Hoyle and the foundation of astrobiology as a new discipline15.00 Professor John Faulkner (UCSC). Fred Hoyle's Contributions to Stellar Structure and Evolution15.30 Specialist Discussion concludes 