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A RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting organisd by *David MacTaggart (Glasgow)
Chris Prior (Durham); Karen Meyer (Abertay)Contact*
Solar flux emergence is concerned with how magnetic field rises through the layers of the Sun and then expands into the atmosphere. Flux emergence links the study of the solar interior to the atmosphere. Models and observations of emerged magnetic field can give detailed information on eruptive phenomena such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). At the same time, they can also indicate the form of the pre-emerged field in the solar interior, with implications for dynamo models. The study of flux emergence has blossomed over the past decade due to two main factors. On the theoretical side, high performance computing has allowed modellers to investigate highly nonlinear regimes that contain many of the most interesting phenomena. This, in turn, has driven the need for new theoretical techniques of analysis as models become more and more complex. On the observational side, a flotilla of satellites, including Hinode and SDO, has offered unprecedented access to emerging flux on a vast range of scales. Of course, these two strands do not exist in isolation and dialogue is vital if both are to develop. This session will review the latest theoretical and observational advances in solar flux emergence and discuss future opportunities. 10.00 - 10.30 Tea/Coffee in the RAS Library.
10.30 -10.35 Welcome and introduction. Session 1 Chair: Dr Chris Prior
10.35 -11.10 Dr Salvo Guglielmino, Catania.Magnetic flux emergence: observational evidence and its consequences in the solar atmosphere (Invited)11.10 - 11.25 Dr David MacTaggart, Glasgow.The pre-penumbral magnetic canopy.11.25 - 11.40 Dr Stephane Regnier, Northumbria.The birth of an active region.11.40 - 11.55 Professor Alan Hood, St Andrews.Sunspot rotation and coronal consequences.11.55 - 12.10
Dr Anthony Yeates, Durham.Incorporating flux emergence in global coronal simulations.12.10 - 12.25
Miss Sally Dacie, UCL.The magnetic eld distribution of active regions during their emergence and decay phases.
12.30 - 13.30
Lunch (not provided). Session 2 Chair: Dr Karen Meyer
13.30 - 14.05 Dr James Leake, NRL.A Review of Numerical Modeling of Magnetic Flux Emergence in the
Solar Atmosphere. (Invited)
14.05 - 14.20 Dr Petros Syntelis, St Andrews.On the mechanism of recurrent eruptions.
14.20 -14.35
Mr Tim Whitbread, Durham.Parameter optimization of surface flux transport models.
14.35 - 14.50
Dr Vasilis Archontis, St Andrews.Emerging flux and solar jets: observations and numerical experiments.14.50 - 15.00Concluding remarks and end of meeting.
Chris Prior (Durham); Karen Meyer (Abertay)Contact*
Solar flux emergence is concerned with how magnetic field rises through the layers of the Sun and then expands into the atmosphere. Flux emergence links the study of the solar interior to the atmosphere. Models and observations of emerged magnetic field can give detailed information on eruptive phenomena such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). At the same time, they can also indicate the form of the pre-emerged field in the solar interior, with implications for dynamo models. The study of flux emergence has blossomed over the past decade due to two main factors. On the theoretical side, high performance computing has allowed modellers to investigate highly nonlinear regimes that contain many of the most interesting phenomena. This, in turn, has driven the need for new theoretical techniques of analysis as models become more and more complex. On the observational side, a flotilla of satellites, including Hinode and SDO, has offered unprecedented access to emerging flux on a vast range of scales. Of course, these two strands do not exist in isolation and dialogue is vital if both are to develop. This session will review the latest theoretical and observational advances in solar flux emergence and discuss future opportunities. 10.00 - 10.30 Tea/Coffee in the RAS Library.
10.30 -10.35 Welcome and introduction. Session 1 Chair: Dr Chris Prior
10.35 -11.10 Dr Salvo Guglielmino, Catania.Magnetic flux emergence: observational evidence and its consequences in the solar atmosphere (Invited)11.10 - 11.25 Dr David MacTaggart, Glasgow.The pre-penumbral magnetic canopy.11.25 - 11.40 Dr Stephane Regnier, Northumbria.The birth of an active region.11.40 - 11.55 Professor Alan Hood, St Andrews.Sunspot rotation and coronal consequences.11.55 - 12.10
Dr Anthony Yeates, Durham.Incorporating flux emergence in global coronal simulations.12.10 - 12.25
Miss Sally Dacie, UCL.The magnetic eld distribution of active regions during their emergence and decay phases.
12.30 - 13.30
Lunch (not provided). Session 2 Chair: Dr Karen Meyer
13.30 - 14.05 Dr James Leake, NRL.A Review of Numerical Modeling of Magnetic Flux Emergence in the
Solar Atmosphere. (Invited)
14.05 - 14.20 Dr Petros Syntelis, St Andrews.On the mechanism of recurrent eruptions.
14.20 -14.35
Mr Tim Whitbread, Durham.Parameter optimization of surface flux transport models.
14.35 - 14.50
Dr Vasilis Archontis, St Andrews.Emerging flux and solar jets: observations and numerical experiments.14.50 - 15.00Concluding remarks and end of meeting.