The Exo Planet Characterisation Observatory – EchO

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An RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting organised by Dr Neil Bowles (Oxford), Dr Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL), Mr Paul Eccleston (RAL), Dr Enzo Pascale (Cardiff)*, Professor Bruce Swinyard (RAL/UCL), Dr Giovanna Tinetti (UCL) and Professor Gillian Wright (UKATC)
* Contact:



EChO – Exoplanter Characterization Observatory – is a space mission dedicated to studying the atmospheres of extrasolar planets around nearby stars. This candidate M3 ESA mission provides the first opportunity to investigate the chemical composition and climatology of a representative sample of exoplanets, going beyond planet discovery, for an extended range of masses and temperatures from hot to habitable. This meeting will present the EChO mission concept to the wider UK community summarising the scientific and technical cases, and the critical phases that will lead to mission selection in the winter of 2014.
For additional information, please visit

Tea and coffee will be available from 10:00 and again after the meeting at 15:30.