A critical assessment of cluster cosmology

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Bag searches will be taking place from 8 am on Friday 11th December at the entrance to the courtyard of BH.  However, if you are coming to this meeting, you do not need to enter the courtyard as the entrance to the Geological Society is on Piccadilly, which will mean avoiding the queue.  Fellows that show their membership cards can go to the front of the queue if they wish to also visit the RAS.  Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.  An RAS Discussion Meeting organised by *A. K. Romer (Sussex),C. A. Collins (LJMU), I. G. McCarthy (LJMU)*Contact: A. K. Romer romer@sussex.ac.uk Galaxy clusters are once again at the forefront of cosmology, with a variety of independent measurements of clusters (including SZ and X-ray number counts, lensing shear correlation function, the SZ power spectrum) in apparent tension with cosmological parameters estimated from the primary CMB. Is new physics needed to reconcile these conflicting results (e.g., massive neutrinos, time-varying dark energy, modified gravity)? Before such a bold conclusion can be made, a critical assessment of the systematic errors affecting cosmological constraints derived from the various cluster tests must be undertaken. The urgency and importance of this task is magnified by imminent surveys such as DES and e-ROSITA that will yield ~ 100s times more clusters in order to place constraints on a whole range of fundamental cosmological parameters. Are we ready? The aim of this discussion is to bring together expert observers and theorists to discuss recent cluster survey results and assess the systematic issues likely to affect upcoming cluster cosmology efforts. Programme:10:00 Registration & CoffeeMORNING SESSION (10:30-12:30) – CHAIR CHRIS COLLINS (LJMU)10:30 Monique Arnaud (CEA Saclay, France)11:10 Simon White (MPA, Germany)11:50 Paul Nandra (MPE, Germany)
Cluster Cosmology with eROSITA12:10 Baojui Li (Durham University)
Cluster cosmology and its tests of non-standard gravity theories: important issues12.30 Lunch - RAS staff will be holding a Christmas charity cake sale in aid of homeless charities in the RAS foyer at lunch time! AFTERNOON SESSION 1 (13:30 -14:15) - CHAIR IAN MCCARTHY (LJMU)13:30 Anna Bonaldi (Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester)
Cosmology with Planck Cluster Counts13:40Graham Smith (University of Birmingham)
How accurate are galaxy cluster mass measurements?13:50 Paul Giles (Bristol University)
The XXL Survey: The Luminosity-Temperature Relation of the Bright Cluster Sample14:00 Spotlight talks part 1 (speakers listed below)14:15 "Comfort break"AFTERNOON SESSION 2 (14:20-15:30) – CHAIR KATHY ROMER (UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX)14:20 Edo Van Uitert (University College London)
Weak-lensing-inferred scaling relations of galaxy clusters in the RCS2: mass-richness, mass-concentration, mass-bias, and more14:30 Ben Maughan (Bristol University)
Hydrostatic and Caustic Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters14:40 Jeremy Sanders (MPE, Germany)
The future of X-ray cluster astronomy with Athena (and other topics)14:50 Spotlight talks part 2 (speakers listed below)15:05 Panel Discussion (Panelists Moderator: Ian McCarthy; Panelists: Simon White, Monique Arnaud, Graham Smith, Anna Bonaldi) 15:30 Tea will be available in the Lower Library of the Geological Society for those attending the Open (Monthly A&G) Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society Spot Light Talks (Part 1)
Banik, Indranil (University of Saint Andrew's) - Galaxy cluster collision speeds as a test of LCDM: possible systematics & how to avoid them
Barnes, David (University of Manchester) - Understanding the evolution of the most massive clusters with the MACSIS project
Caldwell, Caroline (Liverpool John Moores University) - Velocity dispersion functions and number counts of simulated galaxy groups
Capozzi, Diego (University of Portsmouth) - Constraining galaxy formation and its influence on the dark-baryonic matter relationship with galaxy surveys
Cunnington, Steve (University of Portsmouth) - Observational selection biases in time-delay strong lenses: No barrier to precision cosmography
Furnell, Kate (Liverpool John Moores University) - Brightest Cluster Galaxies - Tracers of Mass Assembly in Cluster Cores
Israel, Holger (Durham University) - The behaviour of dark matter associated with 4 bright cluster galaxies in the 10 kpc core of Abell 3827 - a tentative hint at self-interacting dark matter?Spot Light Talks (Part 2)
Lieu, Maggie (University of Birmingham) - Mass measurements in the XXL survey
Mayers, Julian (University of Sussex) - Searching for a needle in a raystack and a flash in the pan
Perrott, Yvette (University of Cambridge) - SZ surveys for cosmology and possible biases
Rooney, Philip (University of Sussex) - The XMM Cluster Survey
Soergel, Bjoern (University of Cambridge) - The kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect from DES and SPT
Vergara, Carlos (University of Sussex) - Optical to X-ray Scaling relations for redMaPper clusters
Walker, Stephen (University of Cambridge) - X-ray observations of the outskirts of galaxy clusters
Wilcox, Harry (University of Portsmouth) - Testing chameleon gravity using profiles of clusters___________________________________________________________
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