Common-envelope evolution and post-common-envelope systems

DJ SDM Oct 19
Common-envelope evolution and post-common-envelope systems
ESO/H. Boffin
Start Date
End Date


Organisers:David Jones (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC); Jorge García-Rojas (IAC); Roger Wesson (UCL); Ondrej pejcha (Charles University, Prague)

More than half of all solar-type stars exist in binary systems and a significant fraction of these are close enough to interact - perhaps leading to a common envelope event. The common envelope phase is critical for the formation of a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena, in particular transient phenomena like type Ia supernovae and stellar mass gravitational wave sources, yet the exact physics of the process remains a mystery. Additionally, in the last few years, it has been shown that the common envelope phase may play an important role in explaining a long-standing problem of nebular astrophysics: the so-called abundance discrepancy problem.  This workshop aims to bring together the various communities, both theoretical and observational, working on different (post-)common-envelope phenomena in order to further our understanding of the process as a whole. This is particularly timely given that with the recent or impending arrival of various new observing facilities like Gaia, LSST and LIGO-VIRGO - heralded by some as the golden age of time-domain and transient astronomy.

Livestream link

Admission to Specialist Discussion Meetings is free for RAS Fellows, £15 for non-fellows (£5 for students), cash or cheque only, collected at the registration desk.  Admission to the subsequent Open (Monthly A&G) Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society is open to all, at no charge.


Venue Address

The Geological Society, Burlington House, LONDON


51.5087877, -0.13876359999995