Astrophysics at Extremely High Angular Resolution: Optical and Infr ared Interferometry

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A Specialist Discussion Meeting organised by: Rene Oudmaijer (Leeds) roud<at> , Ettore Pedretti (St Andrews) ep41<at> and Chris Haniff (Cambridge) cah<at>


Summary: The new century has seen a quantum leap in the field of optical and infrared long-baseline interferometry, with facilities such as the CHARA, NPOI and VLTI arrays now routinely producing images with milliarcsecond resolution. As a result, over the past ten years, ground-based optical/IR interfometry has transitioned to become a mainstream, common-user, technique offering unprecedented insights into a wide range of astrophysical phenomena. These include asteroseismology, YSO accretion, photosphere dynamics, exoplanet characterization, and the structure of AGN cores.

This meeting will bring together experts and novices in the field to present their latest scientific results, and to highlight the existing and upcoming capabilities at facility class arrays such as the VLTI. We hope to attract not only speakers and attendees who are excited by the possibilities that interferometric methods can bring to their research, but also those who wish to find out more and assess the investment of their time needed to best exploit the UK's access to European and American interferometric arrays.

The programme for this meeting can be accessed here.
