A Friends Only Lecture: An absence of God or a surer path to God? The dialogue of contemporary cosmology with theology

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An absence of God or a surer path to God?  The dialogue of contemporary cosmology with theologyRevd Professor David Wilkinson (Durham University) The last three decades have shown considerable interest in scientific exploration of the initial conditions of the Big Bang and anthropic balances within the laws of the universe.  While for some the science leads to an absence of a Creator, others see indications of a deeper story to the universe.  In this lecture, David Wilkinson will review the development of thinking about quantum gravity and the multiverse and demonstrate how the present dialogue with theology reflects a long intellectual history and may be more complicated than is often acknowledged. David Wilkinson is a Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion in Durham University.  He has two PhDs, one in astrophysics where he worked with Sir Arnold Wolfendale on molecular hydrogen in galaxies and one in systematic theology where he worked on the long term future of the universe.  He is a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio 4 ‘Thought for the Day’.  His most recent book is ‘Science, Religion and the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence’ (OUP).  The talk will be followed by a wine reception in the Library. 
Website: www.ras.org.uk
Website: www.ras.org.uk