Eyeing the Ionosphere: Juno, JWST, and Jupiter

A composite image of Jupiter highlighting its poles with Juno and JWST space telescopes.
Eyeing the ionosphere Prof Tom Stallard and Dr Henrik Melin.
Jupiter image: NASA, ESA, CSA, Jupiter ERS Team; image processing by Judy Schmidt.
Start Date
End Date


Eyeing the Ionosphere: Juno, JWST, and Jupiter

This Royal Astronomical Society event is free and open to the public and will take place online only in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Electrical Engineering at Northumbria University Newcastle.

To register to attend this free, public, all-ages online event on Zoom, please register here: Register for Eyeing the Ionosphere here. 

Register via Eventbrite if you would like to join us on Zoom and want a first-hand connection to asking the scientists questions. Otherwise, we will be live-streaming on YouTube here.


*An update: We've just added a second day of observations and a chance to see some newly captured JWST image data. To find out more information and register to join us online, please go here: https://ras.ac.uk/EyeingtheionosphereII


Day One - Eyeing the Ionosphere: Juno, JWST, and Jupiter

On the 7th of September of this year, Prof Tom Stallard of Northumbria University Newcastle will be sharing their telescope time on NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) and Keck Observatory, both atop Maunakea in Hawaii, to observe Jupiter, with our Royal Astronomical Society audience. The two observations we will be undertaking during the 6-hour event will be:

  • Juno will make a couple of occultations of the atmosphere of Jupiter, measuring the radio signal from Earth to understand how that radio signal is attenuated by the atmosphere and ionosphere.
  • On the same day, we also hope to start our recently awarded James Webb Space Telescope anti-clockwise scan of the entire limb of Jupiter, mapping the vertical profile of the ionosphere around the entire disk of the planet – an unprecedented 22-hour observation of Jupiter – the only JWST observation of a solar system planet for the cycle 2 year and one of only 16 solar system observations. You can learn more about this JWST award here

We expect to also have a month of observations of Jupiter in the run-up to the JWST night and hopefully will have some interesting observations to show from before the night. Katie Knowles, Prof Stallard's PhD student from Northumbria University Newcastle, is the principal investigator for these observations. We hope she, along with Dr James O'Donoghue from JAXA, will be joining us from Japan. 


A JWST image of Jupiter and a programme list of what to expect on the day of the event
Eyeing the Ionosphere: Juno, JWST, and Jupiter
Jupiter image: NASA, ESA, CSA, Jupiter ERS Team; image processing by Judy Schmidt.


Hosts and guests:

Prof Tom Stallard (Northumbria)

Katie Knowles (Northumbria)

Dr Henrik Melin (JWST)

Dr James O’Donoghue (JAXA)

Prof Jonathan Nichols (Leicester)

Dr Rosie Johnson (Aberystwyth)

Dr Sian Prosser (RAS)

Dr Will Dunn (ORBYTS)

ORBYTS students


RAS Hosts:

Lucinda Offer

Dr Sheila Kanani


If you have any questions about this event, please contact Education, Outreach and Events Officer Lucinda Offer at loffer@ras.ac.uk.





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