E. A. Milne Travelling Fellowships

The E. A. Milne Travelling Fellowships are one of the grants issued by the RAS.  With a generous legacy from the Milne Family, the awards commemorate Edward Arthur Milne, a former RAS President and Gold Medal winner, most famous for his work in cosmology.

The grants are intended for postgraduate students to enable the student to visit a research group for one or two weeks for collaboration with colleagues, to carry out field work or to access unusual or unique facilities to gather data.

They will not, in general, be available to researchers to travel to telescopes or other nationally funded facilities that operate their own funding schemes.

The main purpose of the scheme is to enable young scientists to travel to research centres which can provide a specialised environment conducive to the completion of a specific piece of work which directly benefits their career development. The maximum award will be £2500.

Applications should be made via the usual RAS grants application process.