RAS Education Award: Secondary/Further Education

Image of star trails
Paul Stewart

The Secondary/FE Education Award is awarded for particularly noteworthy contributions to astronomy or geophysics by secondary or FE teachers e.g. by significantly improving attainment, innovative use of astronomy or geophysics across the curriculum, or engaging students in extra-curricular projects. The Award is normally presented at the next National Astronomy Meeting, or if this is not possible, at one of the Society’s A&G meetings. The prize for this award is £500 which will be payable to the school, to support the awardee's activities.

Anyone can make a nomination.  It is not necessary to be a Fellow of the Society. Nominations should be submitted by the last Friday in September for the following year's awards and should include:

  • The online nomination form below
  • The case for nomination (maximum length 500 words). This should include details of the work of the nominee. Please provide evidence to support your case.

The deadline for nominations is the last Friday in September.  

Fill out the form here.
